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Sunday, 23 February 2025 13:05


When I was around 10 years old, the thing I wanted most in the world was to fly. I was obsessed with it. I dreamed about it. I thought about it constantly. I wished upon stars that I would wake up with the ability to fly. I even tried it by jumping off the back of my dad’s truck and thinking happy thoughts. When I attempted to jump from my bedroom window, I knew I needed to stop, or I would get hurt. My desire to soar over the land, view my surroundings from a bird’s eyes, came from the reality that I was growing up. I wanted to fly to a place where I would never have to be an adult. The moment I realized I could get injured if I kept trying to fly was also the realization that there was no stopping adulthood.

Published in Travel
Saturday, 09 March 2024 12:12

How to Find Strength When All Seems Lost

The human mind is more powerful than we can ever fathom. When you start to filter in positive thoughts, your life will begin to transform. ~Buddha

Life tends to either build you up or knock you down, and we never know which one it will be at any given moment. The latter seems to be happening to me lately. I am caught in a chaotic swirl of the universe’s energy that caused a series of bad luck events. All of them happening within a three-month span knocked me down for the count. I didn’t want to get back up. I wanted to lay on the ground, hiding from the world so that nothing else could get me.

When one negative event after another gives you the proverbial punch in the face, it can be hard to think clearly or rationally. Emotions tend to take control and make everything worse. The mind starts spiraling into a paranoid view of the world. “What else is going to happen?” haunts your thoughts, despite your best efforts to remain positive.

Published in Personal Development

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