Displaying items by tag: preplan

Monday, 27 September 2021 16:08

Healthy Snacks to Pack When Traveling

Summers and the holiday season are times for spending time with family and friends, and traveling to fun places. But on those long car rides, or even plane rides, what should you eat to prevent gorging on high-sugar, low-nutrient foods? I’ll give you my personal go-to’s when I travel long distances to avoid reaching for the quick, convenient snacks we might normally turn to.

I’ve always been a planner, and planning what goes into my body is no exception. Two times a year, I pack up my suitcase with clothes, my cat, and an arsenal of healthy options and drive 13 plus hours from the state of Florida to my home state of Pennsylvania. Along the way, I stop at gas stations primarily for bathroom breaks and refuel for myself and my car. But if you’ve ever browsed the gas station snack selection, most of the options include high-sugar, enriched carbs, and unhealthy fats that will have you feeling bloated, sluggish, and down-right sick for the remainder of your trip. What you need instead is protein packed, high-quality, and snacks with healthy fats to get you through to your ultimate destination.

Published in Travel

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Jacksonville, Florida

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